Monica's 9 year birthday party

Monica had a small group of friend over for a "wizard party"

Monica inviterede en håndfuld venner til en "troldmands fest"

Egg with a double yolk

An egg with a double-yolk

The cake in the shape of a wizard hat

Rebecca, Daniel and Kathleen

Monica and Rebecca

Rebecca and Daniel


Monica and Janice


Oluf filming the kids

Cake and ice cream are a hit

The party guests having ice cream and cake

Rebecca, Daniel and Kathleen having cake and ice cream

Monica, Rebecca, Janice and Rebecca having cake and ice cream

Beth and Janice at the piano

Rebecca, Kathleen and Monica

Daniel helping Monica with string

Monica with Zoo Tycoon 2 Endangered Species add-on


Lots of helpers unpacking the package

Unpacking the package from grandma Elke

Rebecca, Rebecca, Kathleen, Monica, Janice, Daniel

Monica unwrapping birthday presents


Daniel with string from package

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)